Discharge information
Discharge time for overnight admissions is 10am sharp.
Day surgery patients will be given an estimated discharge time by their admitting nurse. It may be a number of hours before you are ready for discharge so check with nursing staff before arranging for carers to collect you.
The information below is important for you to observe when you are discharged from hospital following your surgical procedure. It refers to the continuing health care you may require after leaving hospital.
- Contact your doctor if you have any concerns after discharge
- You must not go home by yourself. You must be escorted home by a responsible adult and must remain in their care overnight and where possible for 24 hours post procedure
- Until the day after, or preferably 24 hours following your anaesthetic, it is important you do not drive a car (your insurance may not cover you), operate machinery, sign legal documents and make important decisions.
Possible after effects
It is possible you may experience some after effects following your procedure. These statements are a guideline only and if you are at all concerned or uncomfortable you should contact your doctor
- Pain – If your surgery is likely to cause pain, you will be given pain relieving drugs as part of the anaesthetic. The effects of pain relieving drugs persist after waking and maybe one of the reasons you feel sleepy after an anaesthetic. You may also be given pain relieving tablets or a prescription for them, to take home. If pain increases in severity contact your doctor
- Nausea – This is less common with modern anaesthetics and if it does occur, it is usually short lasting. If nausea persists try to maintain fluids and contact your doctor
- Sore throat – this may occur due to temporary measures taken by your anaesthetist to assist your breathing during the procedure and will usually disappear within 24 hours
- Discomfort in the arm/hand at the site of the injection – This may occur due to irritation of the vein or slight bruising from the needle or drugs injected. It may persist for several days
- Muscle pains – You may notice muscle aches for up to 48 hours after your anaesthetic. These are usually due to one of the drugs that may be used. It is only a temporary side effect and can be minimised by rest and restricted activity during this period
- Regular medications – if you have been taking blood thinning medications pre-operatively check with your doctor when to recommence these. Most medications can be resumed as normal after an operation but check with your doctor or the nursing staff if you are unsure
- Impaired ability to concentrate – Some people find their ability to concentrate is impaired for a day or so after general anaesthesia. These symptoms usually pass and are of no consequence
Follow up phone call
Following your discharge, a member of our nursing staff will attempt to contact you to review your progress and clarify any discharge information if required. If you do not want to be contacted by a nurse, please notify the staff on admission.